University of Calgary Qatar

Tam Truong Donnelly, R.N., BscN., MscN. Ph.D.

University of Calgary

Major research areas
Fostering active living -- Depression in CV patients -- Breast cancer screening - Qatar -- Breastfeeding practices -- Life style behaviours -- Breastfeeding decisions -- HIV/AIDS and immigrants -- Immigrants' mental health -- Vietnamese breast/cervical cancer screening

Exploring Depression Amongst Cardiovascular Patients Living in the State of Qatar. 2012-2015.

Granting Agency: Qatar National Research Fund, National Priorities Research Program (NPRP). $800,451.75 USD.

Project Summary

In Qatar, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death. Studies show that depression is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality among cardiovascular patients. Thus, early detection of, and intervention for, depression among cardiovascular patients can reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and save health care costs. To date there is no study in the Gulf region exploring depression among cardiovascular patients. The goals of our three-phase research program are to

  1. understand the mental health issues, specifically depression, as experienced by cardiovascular patients living in the State of Qatar;
  2. identify and implement strategies that would prevent depression and assist patients to deal with depression; and
  3. evaluate, facilitate, and sustain strategies that are effective at reducing depression and foster its treatment among cardiovascular patients.

The publication listed below describes phase I of the research program. Using both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, we will investigate

  1. the prevalence and severity of depression among patients who have confirmed diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases,
  2. how contextual factors such as social, cultural, and economic factors contribute to the risk of depression and its management among cardiovascular patients, and
  3. formulate effective intervention strategies that are expected to increase awareness, prevention of and treatment for depression among cardiovascular patients, thus reducing cardiovascular diseases morbidity and mortality in Qatar.


Donnelly, T. T., Jassim M. Al Suwaidi, Awad Al-Qahtani, Nidal Asaad, Najlaa Abdul Qader, Rajvir Singh, Tak Fung, Irem Mueed, Noha El Banna, Shima Sharara, Sarah Hussein Omar. (2014, May 4-7th). Depression Among Cardiovascular Patients Living In A Middle Eastern Country - A Preliminary Report. World Heart Federation, World Congress of Cardiology (WCC) 2014. Melbourne, Australia. Paper.

Donnelly, T.T., Al Suwaidi, J., Alqahtani, A., Assad, N., Abdul Qader, N., Singh, R., Fung, T.S., Mueed, M., El Banna, N., & Sharara, S. (2013). Depression in Cardiovascular Patients in the Middle Eastern Populations. International Journal of Cardiology. Published ahead online at

Donnelly, T.T., Al Suwaidi, J., Alqahtani, A., Assad, N., Abdul Qader, N., Byrne, C., Singh, R., & Fung, T.S. (2012). Study exploring depression and cardiovascular diseases amongst Arabic speaking patients living in the State of Qatar: Rationale and methodology. Global Cardiology Science & Practice. 17 Dec 2012.

Donnelly, T. T., Al Suwaidi, J., Albulushi, A., Al Enazi, N., Yassin, K., Rehman, A., Hassan, A., & Idris, Z. (2012). Qatari women living with cardiovascular diseases—Challenges and opportunities to engage in healthy lifestyles. Health Care for Women International. 33(12), 1114-1134.

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